Aquestes dues últimes setmanes hem fet un munt d'activitats de Nadal. Desde Arts & Crafts amb el més petits de la casa, històries típiques de Nadal com "The Elves & the Shoemaker" i "El Grinch" i, mentre l'any passat vam treballar tradicions nadalenques d'Àsia, aquest any ho hem fet d'Alemanya. També s'ha celebrat l'amic invisible i tots ens ho hem passat molt bé!!

Us desitjo molt bones festes i aprofito per donar-vos les gràcies per la confiança dipositada en Babel Llagostera per l'ensenyament dels vostres fills i filles.

Us recordo que el centre romandrà tancat per vacances de Nadal del 24 de desembre al 6 de gener (ambdós inclosos). Les classes es reinicien el dia 7 de Gener de 2015.

I ara a Babel Llagostera també oferim assessorament psicopedagògic i logopèdia en hores convingudes. 

CURSOS 2014 / 2015

Inscripcions a partir del dia 25 d'agost. Les classes dels alumnes de primària i secundària comencen el dia 1 de setembre per escalfar motors abans de començar el curs escolar.

Campus Babel Llagostera 2014

Hello everybody !!

Us deixo un vídeo amb les activitats més destacades que els alumnes han portat a terme durant el Campus d'Orient a Occident del mes de Juliol.

Ha sigut un campus molt intens i profitós on els alumnes no només s'han divertit sinó que també han après moltíssim i on han treballat totes les destresses del idioma.
Un dels aspectes més notoris és que tots ells han deixat la vergonya enrere i han presentat els seus projectes davant la càmera.

Espero que us agradi i el gaudiu molt!

** Recordeu que el centre romandrà tancat fins el dia 25 d'agost. Per més informació sobre horaris i/o inscripcions podeu enviar un e-mail a **


Aquí teniu els cursos programats d' anglès per aquest pròxim curs escolar per als alumnes de primària i secundària. Màxim 6 alumnes per grup. Començament del curs la primera setmana de setembre.
Nous cursos es donaran a conèixer en breu.

Very Young Learners ( 4 i 5 anys):
  • Dijous 17:30 a 18:30 h
Young Learners:
  • 1er cicle ( 6 i 7 anys):
    • Dimarts i divendres de 17:30 a 18:30h
    • Dimarts i dijous de 18:30 a 19:30h
          (* S'obrirà el grup amb més alumnes)
  • 2on cicle (8 i 9 anys):
    • Dilluns i dimecres de 18:30 a 19:30h
  • 3r cicle (10 i 11 anys):
    • Dilluns i dimecres de 17:30 a 18:30h
* Si la demanda ho requereix i hi ha un mínim d'alumnes s'obriran nous grups.

  • A2: Dilluns i Dimecres de 16:00 a 17:30h
  • B1: Dimarts i Dijous de 16:00 a 17:30h
* Nous alumnes hauran de fer una prova de nivell gratuïta.
* Si la demanda ho requereix i hi ha un mínim d'alumnes s'obriran nous grups.

BATXILLER listening and speaking skills      * NOU !!*
Aquest curs us ajuda a preparar-vos per la prova de les PAU.
  • Divendres de 16:00 a 17:30h
Per més informació ens podeu contactar per e-mail o si preferiu us podeu passar per l'acadèmia de dilluns a divendres de 19 a 20h.

Campus d'estiu 2014. Inscripcions obertes !!

"D’orient a occident" és un campus d'immersió en anglès dirigit als estudiants de primària on es pretén fomentar una comunicació fluïda en anglès i desenvolupar la creativitat dels alumnes a través de classes, tallers i jocs que els permetin potenciar l'idioma. 
Obrirem horitzons i ens endinsarem a la Xina per conèixer l'idioma i aspectes culturals mentre ens divertim.

Curs intensiu d'anglès de 30h de dilluns a divendres dirigit als alumnes de secundària.

Per consultes, podeu contactar amb nosaltres enviant un correu electrònic a o bé trucant al telf. 696.246.537

* Per més informació podeu obrir el comentari d'aquesta entrada *

Promoting creative writing through poems. Happy Easter!!

Some Easter poem from our our 8 to 11 years old children poems:

It's a bunny, bunny baby
has eggs between the legs
he hides them, we find them
he says squeak squeak
it's not black.

Little tree you are brown like chocolate
and green like lettuce
birds like you, they lay their eggs on you
cats meow meow, dogs bow-wow
it's holidays today!

Little bunny hop hop hop
sometimes you are brown, black or white
you get bigger and bigger
your big ears flop flop flop.

Bunnies are brown and white
pigglets are pink and fat
bunnies say squeak squeak
pigglets say oink oink
it's easter day today!

Aren't they lovely?!
Recordeu que podeu formar part de la nostra pàgina de facebook per estar actualitzats en tot moment. També ens podeu seguir al twitter.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

St. Patrick’s Day honors St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. We celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17. Americans march in parades, dance the Irish jig and gather to sing Irish songs. People wear green in memory of Ireland, the Emerals Isle and wear shamrocks, clover with three leaves.

March 17 was not the day St. Patrick was born but the day he died. Even though we don’t know the date of his birth, most scholars believe the year was 385 AD and the year of this death was 461 AD.

St. Patrick was born in Wales, studied religion to become a priest ant then went to Ireland to teach the people about God. There are many wonderful stories about St. Patrick, some true and some not true. The most famous legend is that he drove the snakes out of Ireland. This did not happen but the Irish will tell you that you cannot find a snake throughout the whole country of Ireland.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the UK on February 14th. It is a celebration of love between husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends and sometimes just friends together! We celebrate Valentine’s Day in a variety of ways, and it is often celebrated by people whether they have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or not!
Here are some of the ways in which Valentine’s Day is celebrated in England.
Many people send and receive cards from their loved ones. Cards are usually sent from boyfriends to girlfriends, and sometimes also to someone who is too shy to tell someone of their feelings! However, cards are not just sent between boyfriends and girlfriends or husbands and wives, they are also sent from mums to sons and from friends to friends.
Often, you can find love poems written inside a Valentine’s card. You can buy cards with a poem already written inside, or some people make them up to describe the special love between them and their partner. Poems are often used to express love.
As well as cards, people often send and receive gifts from their loved ones. Traditionally, flowers (especially red roses) and chocolates are favourite gifts. However, recently, teddy bears have become a popular gift from boys to girls, and balloons, too, are seen everywhere on Valentine’s Day! 

The year of the horse is coming in two days!! Happy 2014!!

Happy Chinese New Year!!

The Chinese New Year of the Horse will be on 31 January 2014. It will be year 4712 on the Chinese Calendar. Until then, it is still the Year of the Snake which began on 10 February 2013.
What is Chinese New Year? Chinese New Year is the main Chinese festival of the year. As the Chinese use the Lunar calendar for their festivals the date of Chinese New Year changes from year to year. The date corresponds to the new moon (black moon) in either late January or February.
Traditionally celebrations last for fifteen days, ending on the date of the full moon. In China the public holiday lasts for three days and this is the biggest celebration of the year.
The Twelve Chinese Zodiac AnimalsThe Chinese calendar is different from that used in the United Kingdom. It is made up of a cycle of twelve years, each of them being named after an animal. This is very like our signs of the zodiac. Some people believe that people born in a particular year such as the year of the Dog will have some of the characteristics of that animal.
Qualities of the horse: Very hardworking and independent. Will work on and on until a job is finished. Very intelligent, ambitious and expect to succeed. Can cope with several projects at once. Easily fall in love.
Find out what's your Chinese Zodiac and its qualities as well as Chinese New Year Customs at Chinese New Year
Are you ready for 2014? Let's study!! amb moooltes ganes!!